Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2013-10-09

In August, you released your draft blueprint called Framing the Future, setting out the government’s priorities for the next three years. Could you please advise the Assembly on the feedback you have received on this document, and how the blueprint will guide the government’s work over the years ahead?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. We talk with colleagues about the importance of individual members having a vision and a future plan for each electorate and where they want to head. The member for Arafura’s electorate is made up of beautiful communities - Jabiru, Oenpelli, Maningrida, the Tiwi Islands and all those in between. I said to the member for Arafura, ‘Work out what you want and what that economic vision will be’. That is for everybody in our ministry and the Labor electorates, although, clearly, Labor has never done that.

What we are doing to coordinate and facilitate these three areas is to build it through the Framing the Future document which sets out some core strategic principles about how we want to govern in the future and how we want to drive economic growth across four key principal areas of a prosperous economy, a strong society, a balanced environment, and a confident culture.

The document we released was a draft document. We put it out for public comment and we have received more than 50 submissions to date. We will review those submissions and see how we can harness the information we have received and build it into a final document to explain to Territorians this is how we are driving growth; these are the four pillars we will use to drive growth in that area. The feedback we have received to date has been astronomical. People are telling us it is good to see a foundation document.

We have not publicised it, promoted it, and politicised it like the 2030 vision document you guys created. We are not going to set those specific targets that hold you back. We will provide a visionary platform statement about how we will move forward. That is where we have plans for the future in the Northern Territory. That is how tourism, alcohol management, horticultural development, agriculture, primary industries and fisheries fits in. That is what supports what is happening on the Tiwi Islands. That is what will happen with road construction in the future out through the top road. That is what is happening with the Pillars of Justice reform.

Framing the Future is about setting the direction of government and letting the community know where we are heading.

One of the important elements that could have been included in this question is: are there any alternate approaches to setting a vision for the Northern Territory?

I do not know of any policies the Labor opposition has. When we were in opposition we had the opportunity of going through Labor policies and seeing everything they stood for. Now they do not have a policy, apart from denying the fact there is a $5.5bn debt. We are repaying their debt, and we are encumbered by making tough decisions so we can be financially responsible for the good governance of everyone in the Northern Territory now and into the future.

Madam Speaker, I commend Framing the Future to Territorians. I ask them to have a good look at it and to provide a submission and some commentary. I look forward to updating the House in the future about the final document.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016