Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2013-11-28

As part of this government’s Pillars of Justice reform, the Northern Territory government is looking at ways to implement electronic monitoring of offenders. Could you please update the House on the capabilities of this GPS technology and the positive impact it will have for Corrections, the police and the wider community?


Madam Speaker, the member for Arnhem is very interested in matters of crime and keeping it under control in her electorate and in the Northern Territory.

Ms Walker: And the fact that your government is locking up more and more countrymen.

Mr ELFERINK: Oh dear, oh dear. Have a glass of water and take a chill pill, petal. Just slow down.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 62. I find that offensive, asking the member to take a chill pill.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Nhulunbuy, are you offended?

Ms WALKER: I am offended and I was also offended by being referred to as ‘petal’.

Madam SPEAKER: Withdraw please, Minister for Correctional Services.

Mr ELFERINK: I withdraw, Madam Speaker. I am sorry they are so precious on their side of the House, because this is about not being precious. This is about responding to issues in our community.

If you are released from the Department of Correctional Services under parole, there is a good chance you will end up wearing one of these.

Ms Lawrie: How many?

Mr ELFERINK: Wait for the answer. Relax.

There is a very good chance you will end up wearing one of these because we want to keep an eye on the criminals in our community. These will also extend to bail which means, eventually, police will be able to use them as well as the courts to keep track of people who would otherwise find themselves on remand. This is part of the Northern Territory government’s fulsome response to the criminal activity that continues to occur in our community. People who perpetrate crimes of domestic violence will also be subject to wearing these.

In answer to the Leader of the Opposition’s interjection, 50, which is how many more than you introduced, Leader of the Opposition? Oh, 50. They looked at this technology when they were in government and they screwed it up. They are now whinging that we are doing something they looked at.

That is the difference between the Northern Territory government under the Country Liberals and the Northern Territory government under Labor. They talked about it and put out the media releases, we produced the results. We will tag these villains and ensure they continue to be accountable and trackable after they leave custody.

It was with the imagination of the brain dead slug that was the former member for …

Madam SPEAKER: Withdraw, minister.

Mr ELFERINK: I withdraw, Madam Speaker. The former minister did not have the imagination of a brain dead slug ...

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, withdraw that too.

Mr ELFERINK: I withdraw that too. This is good technology …

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I want to see him put it on to see if he stops barking.

Suspension of Member
Member for Barkly

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Barkly, I would like you to leave the Chamber, thank you, for a frivolous point of order. Leave the Chamber for one hour, pursuant to Standing Order 240A.

Mr ELFERINK: Madam Speaker, this government is committed to using every tool in the tool box to combat crime in our community. We are proud to roll this technology out. It is just one more thing criminals will have to think about. They may even have to wear them to Fannie Bay Super Pizza.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016