Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2015-08-27

Can you please update the House on what this government is doing to ensure the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service is well placed to provide effective emergency response to all Territorians?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. He knows the importance of the Police, Fire and Emergency Services within his electorate. It is extremely important, with many things happening in that part of the Territory which require the services of Police, Fire and Emergency Services, including the volunteers.

The Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service, the NTFRS, is an indispensable part of the Territory’s community. The men and women of the NTFRS are not only charged with the responsibility of fighting fires, nowadays there is more to being a firefighter than donning the uniform and putting the wet stuff on the hot stuff. Fire services have a strong focus on fire prevention and education about the importance of fire safety, ensuring public fire safety issues are addressed and mitigated. Today’s firefighters also contend with road trauma. They are practised and trained in all elements of road crash rescue.

As Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services, I am happy to advise the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service has today welcomed an addition 12 firefighters into operational duty, with Recruit Squad 01/2015 graduating tonight. Congratulations to them. A second squad of firefighters, Recruit Squad 02/2015, is currently part way through its 17-week course and will graduate in December.

The Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service recruit training is made up of a 17-week course, in which recruits are put through a complex series of practical exercises that test their resolve. On completion of the course our newly-graduated firefighters will undertake a further eight months of on-shift skill consolidation.

Tonight’s graduation will see five recruits posted to Alice Springs and seven stationed in Darwin. These additional 24 firefighters from the two squads will bolster the effective firefighting force in the Northern Territory, adding to the government’s commitment to the safety of Territorians.

The Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service responds to more than 7000 emergency incidents each year. This government has continued to ensure it is well placed to provide effective emergency response by resourcing new major fire appliances across the Northern Territory, including Jabiru and Yulara receiving tankers, Palmerston receiving a rescue vehicle, and new heavy rescue for Berrimah Fire Station valued in excess of $1m.

Building fire safety has been improved with the ongoing $3m upgrade of the Northern Territory fire alarm monitoring system and the employment of a new fire engineer. Community safety has been enhanced with the introduction of volunteer community educators and the introduction of a fire incident mapping system, which provides Territorians with a greater awareness of fires and incidents across the Territory.

I applaud the fine members of the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service. I wish our newly graduated firefighters and recruits still in training all the very best for a long, safe and successful career with the NT Fire and Rescue Service.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016