Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2013-08-29

Firefighters turned their backs on the Country Liberal Party when the member for Fong Lim said you will not be supporting the legislation they requested. You claimed you would wait for the outcome of a comprehensive review into workers compensation but you have not even started yet. Why will you not support our legislation now and support our firefighters and their battle with cancer?


I have answered this question, in part, in the first or second question. We are undertaking a comprehensive review looking at a range of issues, not just firefighters.

You have pinpointed a small element of something that can affect firefighters. We are looking at different people in a range of areas. That is why your legislative approach is not suitable to addressing a wide range of people in different occupation categories. We are looking at it in a broader context, especially in response to the findings of the Senate report which I table, Madam Speaker.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016