Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2016-05-25

Would the minister please update the House on the status of the arts and culture policy being developed by the Country Liberals government?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for her question. Last year I announced in this House that the government would develop, for the first time, a comprehensive arts and culture policy, and that the development of that policy would be a significant milestone. We believe this is a vital move to plan for and support the growth and sustainability of our wonderful arts and culture sector.

I said at the outset that we recognise that arts and culture are essential elements of our Territory lifestyle, contributing to our economy and cultural and social developments. It is essential that government policy reflects and supports this.

In June last year I announced an important reference group to assist in guiding the development of a comprehensive Northern Territory arts and cultural policy. This group included five Territorians with extensive experience in the arts and cultural sector: filmmaker, Rachel Clements; remote community arts program and festival organiser, Noeletta McKenzie; Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair founding chair, Franchesca Cubillo; MAGNT board member, Ian Kew; and art consultant and former gallery owner, Karen Brown.

Their input into this process has been invaluable and I am greatly appreciative of their passion and commitment to the project. I am sure all honourable members will join me in thanking them for their valuable time, knowledge and enthusiasm in helping develop this policy.

As part of the development process I launched the community consultation and policy discussion paper last October. So began an extensive consultation phase delivered by positive solutions, with community, arts and cultural sector forums, and Indigenous consultation involving Indigenous cultural leaders, artists and managers from across art forms, including regional and remote participants.

We also had an online survey running, as well as the social media advertising campaign to encourage submissions from the general public. The Department of Arts and Museums received 23 written submissions and 372 survey responses to the discussion paper. The reference group considered all the feedback and its final meeting provided further advice on the draft policy.

Vibrant NT is the new arts and cultural policy for the Northern Territory. It sets out our vision and principles, engaging, supporting and enhancing the arts and cultural policy. It provides a framework for further work and strategy development to ensure our programs align with policy directions and deliver strong economic, social and cultural outcomes. This policy sets out the government’s philosophies, proposed actions and time frames to support and grow arts and culture in the NT.

Madam Speaker, Vibrant NT is a policy for the future. It is comprehensive, well considered and all part of our plan for a confident culture. I table that report.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016