Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2013-12-05

Your government took office with a five-point plan promising to reduce debt and crime, strengthen the economy, plan and be accountable. Instead, you have sacked hundreds of public servants, including teachers. Our debt is increasing by about $1bn a year and you stand by as a Territory town is effectively decimated. Alcohol-related crime is escalating with tragic results, and you strike secret deals with a select few. Under your watch the Territory is going backwards. You have done the exact opposite of what you promised. The cost of living is up, wages are down, and we hear today that jobs might be lost from the Government Printing Office. Your five-point plan is in tatters. How did you get it so wrong in such a short time?


Madam Speaker, I am glad the Opposition Leader read out the five-point plan because we were ticking them off as you went through them. The cost of living is coming down. The biggest driver of the cost of living is the price of housing in the Northern Territory. When we came into government there was huge lack of housing in the Northern Territory. Through the good work of people such as the Minister for Lands, Planning and the Environment, the Minister for Housing and the former Minister for Housing, and through the roll-out of changes we are making, we are starting to see a significant amount of new housing in the Northern Territory which is driving down cost of living pressures. We are starting to meet the supply and demand equation.

Recently we heard the announcement about the next stage of Zuccoli. We heard the other day about the Real Housing for Growth initiatives in Tennant Creek, the member for Barkly’s electorate. Prices, I believe, are around $221. Is that right, Minister for Housing?

Mr Conlan: Right.

Mr GILES: We are implementing some fantastic initiatives in the Northern Territory.

You spoke about driving crime down. Look at the property crime figures and see the change there. Look at our actions to try to reduce domestic violence in the Northern Territory. I have explained that those numbers will keep rising as we address 100% of cases, not 25%. You talked about alcohol - mandatory alcohol rehabilitation. The economy – look what the Minister for Mines and Energy is doing, particularly around our new mining opportunities. There are 400 people working at Western Desert Resources. We have restarted the live cattle trade. Come in, spinner! You were the nodding dogs who stood by Julia Gillard, the former Prime Minister, with Paul Henderson, saying, ‘Oh yes, cancel the live cattle trade’. We have it back up and running again. Record numbers of live cattle are going through our port. You have really led with your chin on this. Every box is being ticked. It will take a long time to fix eleven-and-a-half years of Labor government failure.

We are working our darnedest to try to support Gove moving into the future. The former member for Casuarina, the architect of the lease with Rio Tinto on the site in East Arnhem Land, takes no responsibility. Blame the government. You were the architect, member for Casuarina, and your chief spin doctor, the member for Nhulunbuy, does not want to be a part of any solution.

Do not worry; we have big shoulders on this side. We will clean up your mess. We continue to clean up your mess every day. You walk in here with barbs and poke us; however, we will keep fighting to make sure we do what is right for the Territory, and to get the Territory back on track.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016