Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2015-11-18

I note your press release today titled, ‘Onshore oil and gas: building a social licence’. To build a social licence you need to be transparent and accountable. Were you aware when the government appointed Dr Allan Hawke as your Commissioner of the Hydraulic Fracturing Inquiry that he was, and still is, a member of the Board of Directors of Icon Water?


Madam Speaker, appointments of consultants are undertaken by the department. I am aware of Dr Allan Hawke, a man who was a chief of staff to former Prime Minister Paul Keating, and who was also a High Commissioner …

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113; it was a very direct question. Were you aware when your government appointed him as Commissioner that Dr Allan Hawke was a member of the Board of Directors of Icon Water?

Madam SPEAKER: No, sit down. The Chief Minister has three minutes to answer the question.

Mr GILES: I know where this is going. This is going towards a character assassination of Dr Allan Hawke, who was Australia’s High Commissioner to New Zealand and the Chancellor of ANU. He undertook the federal review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act; he is seen as the person who made the most reforms to supporting environmental regulations in this nation. He has been the Secretary of the Department of Defence of this nation and is the former chief of staff to former Prime Minister Paul Keating.

This man is highly respected and credentialed, and he will now suffer the wrath of the member for Karama, who wants to execute him on the floor of the Northern Territory parliament.

That is outrageous. This is a man who is well respected …

M FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113; it is a very simple question.

Madam SPEAKER: No, sit down. The Chief Minister has three minutes to answer.

Mr GILES: We should be thankful to have someone of Dr Allan Hawke’s calibre and experience helping us to improve our environmental regulatory regime.

This is a man who is seeking to support the Northern Territory. South Australia is credited as having the best framework to support the environment, especially in the balance between the environment and industry.

We are trying to improve our model, which includes the independent EPA we brought in to government, and we strengthened it to have the best environmental protection in the nation, better than South Australia. Dr Allan Hawke is assisting us with that. To be persecuted by the member for Karama, I think, is a character assassination. I did not know what boards any employee of government or a consultant is on. That is not what I do at night; I do not go through individual consultants’ resumes. I have other things on my agenda. Getting one of the best in Australia to help the Northern Territory, not just the Country Liberals, improve our environmental regulations is very important. I fully support Dr Allan Hawke.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016