Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MANISON - 2015-08-27

Answers to estimates questions have revealed the CLP has slashed approximately 330 staff from schools. For example, Casuarina Senior College has been reduced by 28 staff, Rosebery Middle School by 17, and Darwin High School by 14. That only names a few. Will you explain why you have cut 330 staff from schools and how this has impacted on subject choice, class sizes and outcomes? Do you still believe that having fewer teachers means better education outcomes?


Madam Speaker, this is the old education chestnut the former Labor government use time and time again to demonstrate they are for education. Let us talk about the facts. We are achieving better results today with the education system under this government. With the way Labor uses figures – and we have seen this over the last couple of years in regard to education – the one thing they forget to mention is, in all cases, the number of staff members is factored on the number of students attending a school. If we see student numbers go up, so does the number of teachers. When we see student numbers go down, correspondingly, you see the number of teachers go down. Many of the schools the opposition talks about have seen a reduction in the number of students.

This is on the back of the constant trashing by the Labor members and their mates in the teachers’ union. It brings down education in the Northern Territory. They rubbish what is happening. Attendance rates are up, better NAPLAN results are being released and we have a curve line going in the right direction under this government’s watch. However, Labor still talks about a few staff members in education. I am proud we have reduced the number of bureaucrats in the education system and pushed them into schools.

Decisions are being made in schools. Yesterday there was an announcement that another six schools will assume independent status.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. We are talking about 330 fewer staff in our schools. How does that equate to better education?

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order. The minister has time to answer the question.

Mr CHANDLER: This is highly relevant. There may be fewer staff members in the Department of Education, but why? Because the decisions which were being made in the Department of Education are now being made in schools.

The Labor opposition’s argument is with this side of the House being focused on results. We are achieving better results because we have a far more efficient system today.

You did not have the guts to take on Indigenous education. Labor failed Indigenous education in the Northern Territory. We have had the guts to take it on and fix the rot that occurred under your watch for over a decade. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You rode on the back of education for years and did nothing.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016