Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2013-02-19

Current Chief Minister, your government is in turmoil. This morning Territorians woke with a cold shudder at the thought of John Elferink becoming Chief Minister. Your leadership hangs by a thread. Your colleagues have made it clear they do not want you but cannot decide who to replace you with. Have you done another deal with Alison Anderson? Have you offered her the deputy leadership? Will you rule out Alison Anderson becoming Deputy Chief Minister of the Northern Territory?


Madam Speaker, I thank the Opposition Leader, former Deputy Chief Minister, and former Treasurer of the Northern Territory for her deep concern for the Northern Territory and how she manifests that demonstrated grave concern looking at the economy, future plans and visions and things like that - plans for the future of the Northern Territory.

It is curious that in your time as Opposition Leader you have spent more time in the gutter, with more interest in the small things which do not particularly matter, than anything. You have not really led the charge. You have not joined me in the battle to secure gas for Gove. You sat on the sides and made little snipes at the last moment. This government has been in place for a short time and managed to achieve something of great significance, but that was not of the slightest bit of concern to you. You want to go down low.

I lead a team which is passionate, focused and concerned about the future of the Northern Territory. We recognise there needs to be decisive leadership, a clear plan, and we are moving forward. If you have real concerns about what is going on behind the scenes you ought to become an NT News reporter.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016