Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2014-05-13

Extracts from the ASIC database show magistrate Maley is a director of Foundation 51. I seek leave to table the extract.

Leave granted.

Mr GUNNER: An e-mail from Mr Graeme Lewis confirms Foundation 51 is directly involved in CLP fundraising and campaigning. This direct involvement in CLP activities called into account Mr Maley’s independence and impartiality. He has now resigned from the CLP and Foundation 51, but remains a magistrate.

Your decision to appoint him has jeopardised all Crown cases he has presided over. What actions will you take, as Chief Minister, to preserve the integrity and reputation of the Territory’s judicial system?


Madam Speaker, before I hand it over to the Attorney-General, I find that to be a slur on the judicial system of the Northern Territory. I have a lot of faith in the judicial system, whether it is police, the court system or otherwise. To seek to defame everybody who works in the justice system is sad, member for Fannie Bay.

Last week I said I was surprised you are getting into the gutter to the same level as the Leader of the Opposition and member for Johnston, and I am still surprised you are going to those depths. I held you in high regard, member for Fannie Bay.

In regard to your reflection on the justice system, those who work in it and your derogatory remarks, I will hand over to the Attorney-General who can provide a more fulsome answer.

Mr ELFERINK (Attorney-General and Justice): Madam Speaker, the matters on which the member for Fannie Bay reflects are for the courts. I remind the member for Fannie Bay of the rule in Ebner; it deals with the matters of apprehended bias, which will be then determined by a court when a court has to deal with the question of apprehended bias, and the two-stage test in the rule in Ebner. He is attempting to drag individuals’ names into this House, because they will govern by spite.

Should they ever take power, they will govern by spite. We have already heard the Leader of the Opposition name and target individual public servants saying, in committees, they should be ashamed of themselves. If this mob ever comes into power, they will govern by spite with personalities in mind and will have a mass execution of people they do not like. That is a grave disservice to the people of the Northern Territory, and we have heard the Leader of the Opposition individually name public servants who are in her sights.

The division which occurred in the past amongst the members opposite has been clear, with members reduced to tears by the Leader of the Opposition because of her spiteful disposition. Should this lot over here ever form government in the Northern Territory, it would be a government of fear, governed by personalities not principles.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016