Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms WALKER - 2015-11-19

Dawn House in Darwin provides crisis accommodation to shelter and protect vulnerable women and children escaping domestic and family violence. For 20 years Territory Housing maintained the air conditioners at this accommodation at an estimated cost of $8000 a year. This service has now been cut. On 22 September the Executive Officer of Dawn House asked you to intervene and reverse this decision.

Madam Speaker, I seek leave to table the letter.

Leave granted.

Ms WALKER: Minister, you refused.

Madam Speaker, I seek leave to also table that letter.

Leave granted.

Ms WALKER: How mean-minded is your government that you refuse to support this, but think nothing of spending $8000 on an ice ad slagging members of parliament?

Mr TOLLNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 62; that is offensive and I ask the member to withdraw.

Madam SPEAKER: What is offensive, member for Fong Lim?

Mr TOLLNER: She said the government was mean-minded. I think that is offensive.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Fong Lim, offensive language is when it is against a member of the Assembly. The member for Nhulunbuy, as I heard correctly, was directing her comments at the government. Member for Nhulunbuy, can you repeat your question please? I want to be clear about what we heard.

Ms WALKER: Minister, how mean-minded is your government that you refuse to support this, but think nothing of spending $8000 on ice ads slagging members of parliament? In light of the heatwave being experienced here, will you now reverse this decision?


Madam Speaker, I will make sure I get in contact with Dawn House and discuss with them how best we can move forward.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016