Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2015-02-18

Can the minister update the House on export from the Darwin port?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. Some of the work reflected through the Darwin port regarding buffalo numbers will affect opportunities for business in his electorate. Having strong trade links with places like Vietnam and the export of buffalo out of our port will make a positive difference to your constituents.

It is pleasing to talk about the good news coming from the Darwin port. Last year was a standout year for the port in live cattle numbers. Late last year I stood in this House and gave an update that we expected close to 500 000 head to be put through the port. In 2014 we nearly got there, with 493 958 head of cattle going through the port, which is an increase of 37% from 2013. Even better still, 66% of those live exports were Northern Territory cattle, which is outstanding. That has a huge knock-on effect and is a fantastic outcome for our local agriculture industry in the Territory.

Indonesia remains the NT’s largest export market, with more than 250 000 head of NT cattle exported there in 2014. That is an increase of around 7000 head and is a huge boost to our economy. You can see the effects of this rippling out through the economy across regional and remote parts of the Territory. The government, along with industry stakeholders, has worked hard to make this happen. I have been to Indonesia three times in the last few years to strengthen our partnership and ensure the industry remains prosperous for years to come.

In 2013-14 we invested an additional $300 000 – new money – ongoing to the Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries to establish a Live Animals Export Market Development Unit. This unit is working closely with the NTCA and the NTLEA on a strategic and targeted approach to market development.

We are strengthening links into eastern Indonesia and exploring opportunities for collaboration in Kalimantan. We are working closely with Vietnam and our new partner market in Cambodia. Some of the key figures in 2014: Malaysia, a traditional market, received 15 708 head; the Philippines received more than 11 000 head; and Brunei nearly 5000 head. Brunei also took 488 head of buffalo.

On that note, 5055 head of buffalo were exported through the Darwin port, which is set to increase as we work closely with industry to ensure we get those businesses up and running in remote and regional parts of the Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016