Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VOWLES - 2014-03-25

You have hit the panic button on the Blain by-election now a loss spells the potential of losing government if the three bush MLAs break away from the CLP. This panic reached flashpoint on Saturday, when you belatedly ditched CLP plans to dam the Elizabeth River. I seek leave to table a copy of the Darwin regional land use plan, which shows the dam and Lake Elizabeth.

Leave granted.

Mr VOWLES: This is the old discredited CLP plan from the 1990s which your handpicked planning mates dusted off and brought back as your government’s vision. If you cannot get basic planning right after 18 months, and ditch your plans in a panic, what does this mean for the growth of Darwin and Palmerston? Where to now?


Madam Speaker, I am not sure what the question was about. It went back to the allegation about damming or weiring the Elizabeth River. I think I have said it 15 times today: it will not happen. An independent Planning Commissioner has designed detailed plans about opportunities for future directions of the greater Darwin region. We not are damming or building a weir and I reject the premise of the question.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016