Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2014-11-27

I am still excited about what has happened this year, so I will throw another question to the Chief Minister. Can you please update the House on some more things which have happened this year in the fantastic Giles government?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his great question. If ever there has been a loaded question here, that is it, asking me to talk about the sunshine and all the good times. You know what we could do? I have given a few examples already today of good things achieved by this government since 2012. It is very interesting; I was just having a chat with the Attorney-General, reflecting on the commentary from the other side of the Chamber – and on this side of the Chamber – listening to the buoyancy, the vibrancy, the excitement and the energy that is still with us at the end of November 2014.

It has been a big year. I have been through many of the achievements made by everybody. Whether on this side or that side, we have all achieved massive reform for electorates across the Northern Territory.

But, look over there, the land of the long-drawn faces on that side of the Chamber. We know two people have been kicked out and two could not be bothered turning up to work today. It is a bit hard. The member for Arnhem asked a question the other day about how on earth she would get information on a Monday, because she does not work on a Monday. Clearly she does not work on a Thursday either.

Look at the performance of the opposite side! The member for Barkly got into trouble for giving away public assets with the Stella Maris deal. It has not been a good year for the member for Barkly, particularly when we have been performing so well in Barkly. Crime has gone down by 50% in Tennant Creek …

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. You would think you had a good list of things to speak about. Where are the bold deliveries of your government?

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, sit down.

Mr GILES: I do not like to reflect on the question, but I am sure it was fairly wide and open. I could speak about a range of things. The poor member for Fannie Bay has gone backwards this year, demoted again by the Leader of the Opposition, and he still does not have the courage to challenge.

They are now talking about the member for Nhulunbuy taking over the leadership. Please, is it Christmas already, Madam Speaker? Anyone who wants to see the contributions from the member for Johnston this year can read the Hansard. It makes for good Christmas reading.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! This is exactly why you have this cartoon.

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, you are on a warning.

Mr GILES: It is interesting to look across the Chamber. It reached a pinnacle yesterday when we were talking about who the shadow Treasurer was. Nobody knew who the shadow Treasurer was, and that was a firm indication of the performance of Labor over the last 12 months. You are talking about very important financial matters and nobody in the Territory, let alone in this Chamber, knows who the shadow Treasurer is.

For those who do not know, it is the bloke who gave away Stella Maris in a stinking, dirty, dodgy deal. It has been a great year and I am looking forward to 2015.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.

Ms WALKER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! In the spirit of Christmas, may we have one last question for the year?

Madam SPEAKER: It is not my call, member for Nhulunbuy.

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016