Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2016-05-24

Territorians are doing it tough. There are 3600 fewer people in jobs today than there were this time last year. Today your own budget papers show there has been a slow-down in population and a massive slump in Territory taxation revenues, especially in stamp duty. Treasury warns, in Budget Paper No 2, page 6, that, going forward, employment growth is expected to soften. In other words, Territorians are still facing a bleak job future. Does your own budget not show that when it comes to jobs, you have failed Territorians again?


Madam Speaker, I thank Senator Gunner – I mean the Opposition Leader – for that question. The Opposition Leader is right; some Territorians are doing it tough. There is no doubt about that. However, there are fewer Territorians doing it tough now than would be the case if there was a Labor government. That is a fact.

Ms Lawrie: Rubbish.

Mr TOLLNER: The Opposition Leader, queen spend-a-lot, decided to chime in. She is the one who gifted us the legacy of $5.5bn – a proud Labor lady now sitting there as Independent Labor, encouraging the rest of them to spend in silly ways, just as she did. How appalling!

Territorians are doing a whole lot better than if there had been a Labor government. We have reduced the cost of living. The price of petrol has come down and we are now on par with the rest of the country. The price of accommodation and rent has come down. We had the worst housing and accommodation crisis in the history of the Territory when Labor was in government.

Labor is committed to destroying entire industries. They have put on record that they are not in support of shale gas in the Northern Territory despite the fact we are one of the best places on the face of the planet to get this industry happening. They do not support the agricultural industries. They are committed to reviewing all water licences and shutting down our agricultural industries. They are committed to driving a knife into our construction industry. There is not a single project in the Northern Territory that Labor wants to consider.

Two weekends ago they said they would stop Bayview. That development has been going on for 20 years; it is two-thirds complete. It has been supported by every government of every political stripe, and now Labor wants to stop it. Where will their destruction end?

What a disgrace you mob are. How dare you say to Territorians that you will destroy jobs and industries, and spend money everywhere, and their lives will be better. That is a fraudulent argument.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016