Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MANISON - 2014-02-20

Today, the member for Fannie Bay is in Alice Springs attending the funeral of Chris Lake, a respected former Territory firefighter who served for more than 30 years. He succumbed, sadly, to cancer. It is an accepted fact that firefighters are more likely to develop cancer due to their job. Your government voted down legislation we introduced last year to help firefighters battling cancer. Mr Lake is, tragically, the second firefighter to pass away from cancer since that decision.

Will you now show some heart and introduce this legislation as soon as possible? You do not have to let it be tied up in the Workers Compensation review. Will you support our firefighters?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Wanguri for her question. I presume, and hope, she did not write this question, because this is a sad day, with the funeral of Chris Lake, a firefighter. I am aware the member for Fannie Bay is not in the Chamber, he is at the funeral, but to bring a funeral and the death of a firefighter into a political question in Question Time on the day of his funeral is completely offensive.

I am prepared to have a debate about the changes for presumptive legislation on the floor of this parliament at any time, but I go back my point: if you have written this question, I would be highly embarrassed. This is the day the bloke is getting buried and we will continue this debate at a later date. I will not entertain debating this matter on the day of his funeral.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016