Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FINOCCHIARO - 2014-05-08

Can the Treasurer confirm if his budget will deliver investments in our schools and the education system that will help secure our children’s future?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member of Drysdale for her question. As a Palmerston member of parliament she is very interested in education, because it is a very fast-growing city and has growing pains keeping up with demand.

It is a good question. To secure our children’s future we need a good education system to deliver bright and confident young Territorians equipped with knowledge and skills to participate in northern Australian development.

Before I talk about the budget, there is a fundamental difference between this government and the previous government, in that we are focused on outcomes. We are not necessarily focused on spending the money. That was the case with the previous government, where we saw money going more and more into education, but outcomes getting poorer. I pay tribute to our Education minister for his courage in changing that direction. He has done it against a lot of resistance from the other side.

In relation to Palmerston, the budget continues to recognise the importance of school infrastructure, and there is in excess of $100m in educational facilities, specifically in Palmerston: $37m for the next two stages of the preschool and primary school in Zuccoli; $1.2m for expanding preschool facilities at Rosebery; and $20m for a new special school in Bellamack.

The Country Liberals have always been at the forefront of delivering education facilities where needed, and this budget will be no different. We have a very proud tradition in that area.

As well as investing in bricks and mortar, we are backing parents and securing our children’s future with assistance and increasing the popular Sport Voucher Scheme by an additional $5m. That equates to going up from $75 to $200. I thank the member for Greatorex, the Sports minister, for his great efforts in that regard.

This initiative will ease the burden on families and allow more activities. We have now included dance, music lessons, the arts, cultural pursuits and swimming lessons.

This government is focused on better education outcomes, supporting families and securing our children’s future.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016