Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2016-06-27

Our economy is facing the headwinds of a slowdown in our national economy, and now additional global uncertainly as the UK exits the European Union. Can the Chief Minister reassure Territorians that the government has the plans and the vision to guide the Territory through these uncertain times?


Madam Speaker, this is a chance for me to talk about our plan. Our economy is heading in the right direction, but there are headwinds coming toward us. The 8000 who will be sacked at the end of the construction phase from INPEX – I ask the opposition members what their plan is for those 8000 jobs? There is not one thing in their policy philosophy that will get jobs for those 8000 people.

We need to make sure we have plans, whether that is in the gas, mining, horticulture industries or otherwise. We have worked very hard on making sure we have a plan.

Ms Fyles interjecting.

Ms Lawrie interjecting.

Mr GILES: I can hear the member for Karama interjecting, just like the member for Nightcliff; they love to scream across the Chamber. If they were polite, they would let an answer be given. But this is the member for Karama, the ex-Deputy Chief Minister for Labor, who had to leave because she was disgraced after giving a government asset to her union mates.

This is the highest-ranking person who ever served under the former Labor government, who oversaw the highest increase in fuel, house and rent prices.

I go back to my point; on 27 August 2016 there is a choice for Territorians. Do you support a strong economy, strong investment in lifestyle, lower crime rates and lower petrol and rent prices? That is the choice Territorians have. If Territorians want to go back to thuggery and unions controlling everything – Labor taking government assets and giving them to union mates – they can do that.

Have we had our foot down hard in the last four years? Absolutely. Fixing Power and Water messes …

Ms Manison interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Wanguri!

Ms Fyles: Matt is here; how was your lunch?

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Nightcliff, withdraw that comment.

Ms FYLES: I withdraw.

Madam SPEAKER: Honourable members, it is the last Question Time before the NT election, but I ask you to show some decorum and courtesy when questions are being asked and answered.

Mr GILES: From 2008 to 2012 Labor put electricity prices up by 31%. Since we have been in government they have gone up by 25%. Your un-costed solar policy will see electricity prices go up a minimum 400% under Labor. It is completely true; it is independently assessed by international firm, Aurecon. Laugh it off as much as you want; you made an announcement and did not cost it. We have costed it; you will put the prices up 400%.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016