Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FYLES - 2013-11-27

You said, following a meeting with federal Education minister Christopher Pyne earlier this month, that a federal funding deal for Territory schools should be announced very soon. You also said you were absolutely confident the new government would match the Gonski funding which was offered before the September election. Now the federal government has announced it will renegotiate signed agreements with all states and territories. All you had was a nod and a wink.

With your Coalition Canberra mates ripping up funding deals with other states, the Territory is being left out in the cold. We now face no extra funding from the Commonwealth and funding cuts from your government. When will you stand up for Territory students and deliver more funding to provide crucial individual attention in our classrooms?


Madam Speaker, what an excellent question. Let’s talk about a nod and a wink. Why do we not talk about Bill Shorten, whilst he was the Minister for Education prior to the last federal election, ripping $1.2bn out of the forward estimates for Education? You talk about a nod and a wink, that money was promised to Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. The new government came in to find a $1.2bn black hole in Education.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. I asked a very direct question. When will you stand up for Territory students and teachers?

Madam SPEAKER: The minister is getting to the question.

Mr CHANDLER: Madam Speaker, that is the crux of the question. Yes, I went to Canberra and had some very fruitful meetings with minister Pyne. We have had fruitful meetings with Senator Scullion and a number of ministers, all targeted on focused education in the Northern Territory and where we have to take education in the Northern Territory.

I found out only yesterday that the former federal Minister for Education had taken $1.2bn out of the forward estimates to deal with education. That was the money promised to Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. Gone!

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. It was a very direct question: when will you stand up for Territory students and deliver for our education system?

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Minister, have you finished?

Mr CHANDLER: I am standing up for education, Madam Speaker.
We found out only yesterday that $1.2bn is not in the forward estimates under the federal budget, and this is through the PEFO produced by the federal government before the last election. It is likely that through those discussions we will have some funds come into the Northern Territory. We will be talking with the federal government to unpack what that money involves and what it can be spent on, but it will be spent on much-needed infrastructure and targeted spending on improving education results in the Northern Territory.

The new federal government is very supportive of education in the Northern Territory. We have a commitment from the federal government, but what needs to be on the record are the promises made by the former Labor federal government – minister Bill Shorten took $1.2bn out of the forward estimates. We can talk all we want about how Labor says they stand up for education, the truth is they were taking $1.2bn out of the forward estimates for education. How is that supporting education in the Northern Territory? Ask your Labor mates in Canberra. Thank you.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016