Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2013-08-27

Your cuts to Education, schools and teachers are savage. They will set back education outcomes in the Northern Territory for decades. You are cutting $250m from education over the next four years. You are sacking teachers, stripping resources out of schools, and winding back education in the bush. You are refusing funding from Canberra because it suits you politically. You put politics before children.

You have attacked teachers, calling them lazy and treating them with contempt. The axe has been swung at schools from Darwin High School, in my electorate, to Nyirripi in the member for Stuart’s electorate.

We are happy to table the list of teacher numbers by school. Your school cuts are the most damaging thing you could possibly do to the future of the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016