Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MANISON - 2016-02-09

According to your own government data, motor vehicle sales are down 4.3%, the second-worst result in the nation. Retail trade growth is the worst in the nation. Building activity is down 22.8%, the worst in Australia. ANZ job advertisements were down 19.5% in December 2015. Yet last week on Mix FM, you said that we are travelling very well in the Territory. When will you start listening to Territorians who are hurting because of your failed policies?


Madam Speaker, obviously those opposite do not read many documents or look at the situation. We have listened to the Chief Minister answer some questions on this matter already. There are some people who are doing well, but any economy is dynamic.

In answer to one of your previous questions, the Treasurer spoke about the world situation. The OECD countries are all doing it pretty tough. We are leading the country. When the Leader of the Opposition, who obviously does not read this material, was quoting CommSec, he was looking at a 10-year average. Those figures are taken over 10 years ...

Ms Manison: Look at it now.

Mr STYLES: I pick up on the interjection. Your leader, who does not quite understand what is happening, is trying to say this is a recent figure. The CommSec figure he is quoting is taken on a 10-year average, so you have to read it to understand it. The Leader of the Opposition is not telling you what I will quote from that CommSec report …

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. It was a very direct question. When will you start listening to Territorians? There is data in front of you showing …

Madam SPEAKER: No, it is not a point of order. There was a preamble to the question and the minister has a bit of latitude to get to the answer.

Mr STYLES: I will have to go back again for those watching and listening. This is what the Opposition Leader is not telling you. I quote from the CommSec report:
    The Territory is still performing strongly in a range of indicators ranking first construction work … and second for economic growth, business investment and unemployment.

I could go on quoting all sorts of things but that is very pertinent. What you do not understand and Labor is not telling people is that the Territory is still performing really well.

Sure, there are concerns. Over the last three years we have had so many issues to fix, some of which were explained by the Treasurer, such as the $5.5bn projected debt and our rating by Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies. We were headed for bankruptcy. When we took over government, there was only a certain amount we could do in four years. We have been cleaning up so many problems that Labor left us.

We listened to business. The Leader of the Opposition talked about his jobs plan and business plan, which is an exact lift from us. Copying is one of the greatest forms of flattery, and we are flattered that you have endorsed what we are doing for Territorians. However, you have to look at what you are doing to the business community.

The Chief Minister said earlier that Australia is the best place to be. Treasurers and commentators are saying this is one of the best places to be in Australia. The unemployment figure around Darwin is less than 1% and 4% overall. The Leader of the Opposition could not get that right. He reckons it is 6.2%. You have to read the facts, members of the opposition, before you come here …

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016