Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms WALKER - 2016-02-09

Your government has spent $500 000 on the On Track advertising campaign, selling your political message using taxpayers’ dollars in the lead-up to an election. Documents released under freedom of information show you also spent money on focus groups testing your message. These taxpayer-funded groups from the Territory community found that:
    We haven’t got a prosperous economy – everyone is doing it tougher.

    If it is a Government story we won’t believe it, especially about the economy.

    Stories implies lies and that is what we expect from the Government.

I seek leave to table the taxpayer-funded focus group report.

Leave granted.

Ms WALKER: When will you start to tell Territorians the truth about the economy and accept that Territorians are doing it tough?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nhulunbuy for that question. It is simply astounding that Labor Party members constantly talk the Territory down. One of the real issues is that we need to improve our travel arrangements so you guys can get around and look at the rest of the world, because as far as you are concerned this place is a dump and everywhere else is better.

The reality is, the world is going through some big transitions at the moment. Europe is in a mess; China’s economy is …

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. I am glad the Treasurer has discovered the economic headwinds globally. How much did you pay for the focus group where people said they cannot believe anything you say?

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order, member for Karama.

Mr TOLLNER: Sorry, what was that? Some sort of Labor policy the member for Karama was announcing, was it? The shadow leader of the Labor Party.

As I was saying, you get the impression from listening to these people that the Northern Territory is going to hell in a hand basket. We talk about business confidence. Every question we fielded on this side of the Chamber was about how bad the Territory is doing from the Labor opposition’s perspective.

In 2014-15 we were the highest-performing jurisdiction of any developed nation in the world at 10.5%. You would think that would make some people on the other side happy. We have the lowest unemployment in the nation at 4.1%. The next closest jurisdictions, as far as unemployment is concerned, are the ACT and New South Wales, sitting at 5.2%. We are significantly beating the other jurisdictions in this country.

Yes, we know Australia is facing economic headwinds. Yes, we know there is trouble coming down the line, but as far as doing our share of heavy lifting, we are doing it.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. Perhaps the Treasurer might like to read the notes the Attorney-General is writing for him.

Madam SPEAKER: That is not a point of order. Attorney-General, is that your document that was tabled?

Mr ELFERINK: Yes, that is the tabled document. That is the one that says people enjoy a relaxed lifestyle, it is close to the ocean and it is easy to get a job here, according to the tabled document.

Madam SPEAKER: Is it a document you have written on?

Mr ELFERINK: Yes, Madam Speaker.

Madam SPEAKER: It is a tabled document. I do not think you should be writing personal notes on it.

Mr ELFERINK: I am happy for the people to see the areas I was highlighting: the happiness people have in the Northern Territory …

Madam SPEAKER: Attorney-General, I suggest next time you do not write on a tabled document until it has been passed around to all members.

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. Treasurer, how much did you pay for a focus group to learn that no one trusts what the CLP says?

Mr Giles: Madam Speaker, I am happy to answer that because that was commissioned by me.

Madam SPEAKER: No, you are not answering it, Chief Minister. The Treasurer has the call.

Mr TOLLNER: It is interesting to see the nonsense the member for Nhulunbuy – or however you would like to pronounce and frame it – is capable of arranging. She now has the Independent member for Karama running the show for Labor.

As I was saying, in the Territory we know there are headwinds coming our way. We are doing our bit to balance the books and manage the economy. We see unemployment rates down, growth continuing strongly and the highest employment participation rate in the country. We are doing the business ...

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016