Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2015-04-30

I am very excited and lucky to ask this question, because I am stoked about it. I wish there was more I could have done other than come with harebrained ideas and whinge about it. Can you please outline the latest exciting development in the campaign to deliver cheaper fuel to Territorians?


Mr Deputy Speaker, I thank the member for Blain for his question. You do much more than coming up with harebrained ideas and whingeing; you come up with solutions for cheaper fuel prices, so congratulations.

Talking about whingeing a lot, you should look at the member for Nightcliff.

In regard to cheaper fuel prices announced today with AANT in partnership with United, there is an 8c reduction per litre on the lowest price on the signage of United going ahead. In July that will come down to a 6c reduction, but congratulations to AANT and United for this partnership. This was an idea that came up in the boardroom of the Chief Minister with the member for Blain when we said to AANT, ‘Let’s form a partnership and offer your members cheaper fuel’. This was delivered today at 7 am by AANT and United Petroleum.

Territorians would remember the price differential between the Northern Territory and the rest of Australia. Between June 2009 and 2014 the price differential was around 38c a litre, give or take a fraction. Concerns were raised publicly. Government listened and acted. We held our fuel price summit, which is where the black line is on this graph where the cliff came off with the differential between us and other parts of Australia. Instead of being 38c it is now around a 4c a litre differential.

This morning’s announcement of the partnership between AANT and United will continue to deliver cheaper fuel prices in the Northern Territory. The fuel summit, widely criticised by those opposite, was the turning point on dropping fuel prices in the Northern Territory. I remember our candidate for Casuarina assisting with the fuel price summit, raising concerns. The new member for Casuarina did not even turn up at the price summit and has never even spoken about fuel prices in the Northern Territory.

Fuel prices are not the only area where we are taking action on lowering the cost of living. We have also done it with housing and rentals in the Northern Territory, because we know there was another massive cliff of cost of living in the Northern Territory left to us by the incompetent former Labor government. We have increased supply to the point where prices are coming down in some areas by up to 15%, making it easier for families in the Northern Territory. We will continue to deliver. We will deliver on power prices and groceries.

We have been working very hard on fuel prices since the fuel price summit, as we have seen today. There is only one party in this Chamber that stands up for Territory families.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016