Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VOWLES - 2014-05-07

Yesterday you assured this House the political donation process in the Territory was transparent. We now know an e-mail from Foundation 51 director and CLP management committee member, Graeme Lewis, to CLP President, Ross Connolly, shows you had direct knowledge of the relationship between the CLP and Foundation 51.

Will you now disclose the full extent of your involvement in, and knowledge of, Foundation 51, which is clearly a CLP slush fund? What steps will you take to ensure Territorians that any political donations from Foundation 51 are properly disclosed under the provisions of the Electoral Act? What public inquiry will you hold into Foundation 51 to back up your claims that donations in the Territory are transparent?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Johnston for his question.

I welcome our visitors from Indonesia. You are more than welcome here and it is fantastic to see you. The Northern Territory has a long affiliation and connection with Indonesia and, as the nearest neighbour on our doorstep, it is good that we have those partnerships and friendships. We look forward to doing more business with Indonesia. I hope you learn a lot from our local government structures.

In relation to the question …

Ms Lawrie: While they exist.

Mr GILES: Yes. You ruined them; good on you, Delia.

In relation to the question, let us get one thing clear, Foundation 51 is a private company. It has directors on its board as a private company and operates as a private company. Yesterday I gave an answer in relation to the Australian Electoral Commission, the Electoral Act, electoral returns and how returns are supposed to be provided. I said if you want to find out what was on the electoral return for the Country Liberals, look at it. I have not looked at it so I suggest you do.

It is a private company. If you want information about Foundation 51, I suggest you put it to Foundation 51, its directors or otherwise. If you have a question about the electoral return, I suggest you ask the NT Electoral Commission. If you want to start looking at things, I would look at companies like Harold Nelson Holdings and the unions and see some of the donations …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. It is an initiative of the CLP and you are the leader of the CLP. Answer the question about Foundation 51 and the CLP slush fund.

Madam SPEAKER: That is not a point of order.

Mr GILES: Member for Johnston, if you want look at slush funds look at Harold Nelson Holdings; look at the connection to the Labor Party and the unions; look at the deal with Stella Maris and the inquiry happening right now. Look at some of the testimonies given. The testimony from the former member for Johnston, who sat there crying and - I will not repeat his words verbatim - talking about how passionate he is about the unions and how we should give something back to Stella Maris because we love unions so much. Look at some of that. As I said, Foundation 51 is a private company.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. It has been directly requested; what public inquiry will you hold into Foundation 51 to back up your claims of donations in the Territory being transparent?

Madam SPEAKER: No, it is not a point of order.

Mr GILES: I have finished my answer.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016