Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2015-08-26

I have a keen interest in protecting our unique Territory lifestyle and in doing so I like to maintain a strong relationship with AFANT and the Palmerston Game Fishing Club. They do an excellent job fostering junior participation in fishing and growing recreational fishing opportunities for Territorians. Can the minister please update the House on the inaugural Northern Territory Recreational Fishing Awards?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for her question. She is quite right in her preamble when she said she has a strong interest in fishing and maintains a very good relationship with AFANT and her local fishing clubs.

It gives me great pleasure to update the House on this wonderful initiative by the Country Liberals government. For the first time ever, this year we will have our very own recreational fishing awards. The Country Liberals made this an election commitment in 2012 and we have delivered upon it. That goes to the bigger picture of the approximately 98% of all election commitments made by the Country Liberals which have been fulfilled. This event recognises individuals and organisations for their contribution to the conservation, restoration and enhancement of the Territory’s recreational fisheries and their habitat.

We have worked closely with AFANT to get this event off the ground. Around 32 000 recreational anglers use Territory waterways annually and the industry is worth some $80m a year to our economy. The Northern Territory government is proud to support this inaugural event. The Recreational Fishing Award categories are individual awards; youth under 21; fishing tourism operator, which includes lodge, charter boat or guided fishing operators; media fishing, which includes writer, personality or show; a fishing competition; a Territory’s top fisher/researcher; and a fishing art award.

This much anticipated event is a wonderful way to recognise the contribution the recreational fishing industry makes to the Territory. Fishing in the Territory is world renowned. We have a unique environment and an enviable lifestyle and it is great to celebrate that. The Northern Territory Recreational Fishing Awards 2015 will be held at Parliament House on 5 September. I certainly look forward to updating the House on the winners of those awards as they come to fruition.

This government recognises the importance the recreational fishing sector makes to the Territory. It is a key part of our tourism drive for the Territory; it generates dollars all over the place and this government is supporting recreational fishing right across the Northern Territory to make sure we maintain the very best fisheries in Australia.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016