Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 2014-05-08

Chief Minister, on Tuesday in the House you stated:
    We have an open and transparent process and, when we get to election, people hold us to account for the decisions we have made …

Given we now know that you regularly spoke to Graeme Lewis about the operations of Foundation 51, can you explain to the House what he meant when he said, referring to you:
    … he is well disposed to having the Foundation continue its activity, with the wall between the entities currently, fixed in place.

If there is no legal connection between Foundation 51 and the CLP as you claim, why would there be the need for a wall in place?


Madam Speaker, I will go to the same answers I have already given. Firstly, I will not accept the premise of the question, particularly the first half of it. For the second component, Foundation 51 is a private company, as I have said before. If you want to ask them questions, ask them; if you want to ask Graeme Lewis, the director, ask Graham Lewis. It is none of my business what they do, they run their own operations. If you want to ask a question about the party, ask a question about the party.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016