Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HIGGINS - 2014-03-20

Can you update the Assembly on this government’s plans to investigate the environmental issues surrounding the use of fracking in the Northern Territory?


Madam Speaker, I like the way the member for Daly emphasised the word ‘plans’, because he knows we have plans for the Territory’s future. He knows our plans on wanting to build a pipeline between Alice Springs and Moomba, or Tennant Creek and Mt Isa and the plans to connect us to the national gas grid. He knows what it will do to change the economic nature of the Territory. He knows about the jobs it will develop in rural and remote areas of the Northern Territory and provide a long lasting future. He also knows our plans must not be at the sake of the environment; we must ensure we protect our environment to the utmost. This is why last night, during the adjournment debate, I gave notice of the appointment of Dr Allan Hawke AC to head up an inquiry under the Inquiries Act to look at the issue around hydrologic fracturing, or fracking as it is commonly known.

We have appointed Dr Allan Hawke to undertake the inquiry; it should be done within six months, but we are saying by the end of the year. It will provide an opportunity for a public inquiry where Dr Allan Hawke can take evidence, review scientific information and have a complete analysis of the Northern Territory about our rock formation and the way that any hydraulic fracturing may be undertaken in the future. This will provide certainty to Territorians. We are not taking this lying down; we are making sure we manage our environmental concerns and processes and we will provide a sense of empowerment to any companies wanting to invest in the Northern Territory so they know there is certainty for the future around the gas industry. We must get the balance right. We will not go through an individual ERI process all the time with the process of hydrologic fracturing, we want to ensure we have certainty in the industry.

I table a copy of the terms of reference, so members of the general public have knowledge of those for the inquiry. Dr Allan Hawke, as some would know, has had many roles. I was fortunate enough to work with Dr Hawke back in 2000, I think, when he was the head of a review into ATSIC, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission. He was also Chief of Staff for former Labor Prime Minister, Paul Keating. He is the head of the Australian National University and, I think, he was the High Commissioner to New Zealand. He has also undertaken a number of reviews for governments in the past, including something called the Hawke Report into the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. He is a highly accredited person. He does not come cheap, but it is best to get someone who is well-credentialed, has worked on both sides of politics, has a good understanding of the issues and comes with credit in being able to undertake and conduct public inquiries. We look forward to the outcome of the inquiry, as well as taking advice and leadership from the findings and recommendations so we can provide certainty for the Northern Territory in our future endeavours around gas development.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016