Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2016-05-26

As we know, there is no scientific evidence to support Labor’s job-destroying moratorium on development of the NT’s vast oil and gas reserve, yet the federal Opposition Leader is saying he wants to reserve gas to meet any drastic energy needs. Can the Chief Minister advise if it is possible to ban development of Territory gas reserves and at the same time ensure we have enough gas in Australia to keep the lights on?


Madam Speaker, the short answer is no; you cannot do both. We have billion dollar Bill saying he wants to use domestic gas to help drive down the price of electricity in Australia and reduce emissions, and we have million dollar Michael saying, ‘No, we are not going to develop gas at all’. The federal and Territory levels of Labor seem to be at odds. One of the most concerning things about Territory Labor’s policy of a gas moratorium – they have confirmed this – is that should it win government on 28 August, all gas stops, not just exploration but production as well. They have said it; they will stop production. The member for Barkly would know that all the power in Tennant Creek comes from gas. It is the same in Alice Springs and Yulara. This might sound a bit out there, but your policy means that from 28 August there will be no lights on in Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and Yulara.

Ms Fyles: It grows every day – a different …

Mr GILES: No. In the last sittings you confirmed you would stop production on 28 August. The Leader of the Opposition confirmed that and so did the member for Johnston. I will read the Labor policy document which confirms it:
    … Territory Labor will implement a moratorium covering all unconventional gas prospecting, exploration and extraction activities …

Gas is being extracted now to provide power to Tennant Creek, Alice Springs and Yulara. Your policy will literally turn the lights off.

Ms Walker: Too tricky by half, Adam.

Mr GILES: It is not too tricky. Read your own policy; it is in black and white. That is how bad it is, as opposed to us, who support a robust gas industry that protects the environment and provides guidance to support the protection of the environment further.

The Minister for Land Resource Management spoke about water earlier with regard to strategic Indigenous reserves. He spoke about changing the Water Act, and that is part of the regulations we want to change which link in to the petroleum changes. Right now no mine or gas development in the Territory has to have a water licence. It does not come into the equation for water allocation at all. That was the situation under Labor and before Labor. We are changing it as part of the gas industry. We are protecting water, and you want to oppose that. It is madness, but not as mad as you wanting to turn the lights out through half of the Territory from 28 August. I suggest you relook at your policy.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016