Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2013-02-14

Two days before the last Territory election you said, ‘If we do not do what we say then it is your choice, throw us out’. If, on Saturday, the people of Wanguri choose to send you a message, will you keep your word and throw yourself out?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. You blokes are working hard up there. However, what they may be overlooking is when the community makes decisions around electing a government, they elect on a certain basis; that is, the government will serve their interests, say what they will do, then set that standard in place.

We have set a course. Unfortunately, due to the dreadful interjections, which is a technique you have employed to block information coming out because it might be a bit embarrassing for you, make your flimsy case a little more difficult to prosecute - we said exactly what we would do in 100 days. We have achieved nearly every aspect of that.

A clear agenda is being implemented for the benefit of the Northern Territory. A government needs its term to establish that agenda and demonstrate to Territorians what we say we will do for their benefit - to deal with the real problems and real mess that is quite plain for anybody with eyes to see - will be dealt with. Yes, it has been difficult; we have said that a few times.

Whatever happens on Saturday, remember the issue still remains - the debt has to be dealt with. The problems left for this government to deal with are still there. They will continue to be dealt with because we know where we are going, what we are doing, and we know the fundamental issue of real concern to Territorians are things like – you are making much play about the power price increase – difficult, but necessary without a doubt.

However, I do not hear the outrage in the community over other increases in the last 12 months. Blocks in Bellamack, for example, in one year - because of the restricted supply of land - power prices might have gone up a bit, but in one year blocks in Bellamack went up $50 000. They went from $200 000 to $250 000 in a year.

That is because of a decade of inaction, lack of foresight, basic understanding and courtesy for future generations of young Territorians to get your policy settings right and release land. It is not as though the Territory is short of land. It was short of action by the previous government. That is the real issue when it comes to the cost of living. Be honest, it is the cost of housing. That agenda will be unfolded for Territorians ...

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016