Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2013-11-28

You promised Territorians in estimates this year that you were investigating what you could do to lower petrol prices. According to the figures today we are buying fuel at the Darwin gate 4.1c higher than at the Perth gate. Why is the average retail price, as of yesterday in Darwin, 18c per litre more than in Perth? What have you done to lower the price?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson for his question. As you know, petrol prices are set by retailers and so forth, but as government you do your best to see how you can put downward pressure on prices. That is about supply and demand, commercial opportunities and how you can reduce the costs.

The portfolio responsibility for petrol prices sits with the Treasurer. The Treasurer has done some work on this with the ACCC, and I ask the Treasurer to update the House on what he has done.

Mr TOLLNER (Treasurer): Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson for his question. What the Chief Minister did not say was that he has written to the ACCC and received what I call an inappropriate response. Basically, the ACCC said it has washed its hands of it and it is not its business. I am not happy with that response and am taking the matter up with the federal Treasurer. This is part of national legislation and we are keen to see those national authorities do their job and step in where there are concerns of inflated pricing or collusion.

No one is making any allegations at the moment, but there is certainly some scuttlebutt about it. We would like the matters investigated properly, and I am taking that matter up with the federal Treasurer and finance ministers.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016