Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2015-04-29

Yesterday I was pleased to read in the budget that, amongst other things, the department will be breeding fingerlings, which is of great interest to me because I would like to borrow some for some lakes in Palmerston. But we will talk about that later.

Can the minister update the House on the fisheries Indigenous employment and development initiatives in Budget 2015-16?


Mr Deputy Speaker, I thank the member for her question. She has a passionate interest in every aspect of fisheries across the Northern Territory.

I have heard many interjections from the member for Nhulunbuy in the last little while. I hope this presents some good news for her.

There will be $1.23m provided for the ongoing development of fishing and aquaculture activities across the Top End. The Indigenous development program will assist Aboriginal communities to open up new lucrative markets.

The CLP government is committed to making the lives of Indigenous people simpler and more prosperous by investing in a range of programs that deliver economic, employment and development opportunities.

Budget 2015-16 invests $250 000 in an Indigenous marine training program to open up pathways around commercial fishing, aquaculture, resource management and small business operations. The good news is that this program will be based in Nhulunbuy to deliver a range of courses and workplace experiences.

Budget 2015-16 will fund Indigenous development programs, including aquaculture enterprises around low-technology sea-based farming methods, sea cucumber ranching in the open sea, a revamped Aboriginal coastal licence system, the enhancement of the Marine Ranger Program and provision of a facility to cater for training needs. My Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries is working hand in hand with Indigenous communities in the development of each of these programs.

I wondered if the member for Barkly would interject and criticise the government for these initiatives. I sat in my office this morning listening to his contribution to the budget debate and all he did was knock the initiatives of this government, which are focused and targeted to help Indigenous people in remote communities get off the welfare cycle by investing in opportunities for them to get a job. All I heard from the member for Barkly was criticism.

Labor governments would like to produce huge bureaucracies, but the Country Liberal government is all about focusing and targeting our efforts for maximum effect. Many of the things you criticised this morning in the budget will deliver outcomes for Aboriginal people in remote communities. You do not like to see Aboriginal communities develop or opportunities delivered to Aboriginal people, and that is a disgrace.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016