Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2012-11-29

What was the state of the Primary Industries Division of the former Department of Resources, and how advanced were decisions around Ord Stage 3 when you took over as minister three months ago?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arnhem for her very important question. It really highlights the lack of leadership shown by the former Labor government in those two areas: primary industry generally, and the Ord.

As a critical part of the three-hub economy, the department of Primary Industry should be as sharp as a tack and at the front end of working with industry, to drive industry as a major contributor to the Northern Territory economy. Instead, the department of Primary Industry was devoid of leadership at the ministerial level, it was consumed in a greater Department of Resources and it lacked identity.
Under the former Labor government, the general public service had grown some 25% in FTE since 2005, yet the Primary Industry department languished, with its number of FTEs having fallen by 16%, which is that little brown line there.

The efficiency dividends imposed by Labor saw the department sucked dry to the point that critical calls had to be made with respect to the delivery of core services. Under the stewardship of the former minister, the member for Casuarina, morale within the department had been devastated due to the lack of leadership I have already mentioned: falling staff numbers, increases in workload. Labor does not do Primary Industry very well, does it?

Likewise, the position around the progress of the Ord - there was a distinct lack of engagement at ministerial level and, even though I would like to blame wholly the former minister, in this case the blame can also be sheeted back to the former Treasurer - the worst Treasurer the Northern Territory has seen since self-government.

We all know those two hated each other and it is still evident on that side of the Chamber. They could not get much further apart as they sit in the Chamber. Whatever interest the minister had, he was completely hobbled by ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I risk being thrown out to say Kon and I are very dear, close friends and are very fond of each other. There is not a grain of truth to what you are saying.

Madam SPEAKER: Continue, minister.

Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: How very sweet of the Treasurer to talk about her colleague in those terms.

The Western Australian government had made a significant investment: $300m I believe. Conversely, the Labor government here had not invested a single dollar into this nation building project. The only allocation of resources provided was in the form of a member of staff - unfunded mind you - after the Northern Australian Ministerial Forum decision forced them to put someone on a committee across the north.

Former ministers had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the Northern Australian Ministerial Forum because they lacked interest in developing this project and developing nation building projects across the north of Australia.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016