Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-11-27

If it is the case that the government requires the user to pay, then why did you say at the last sittings, in response to a question I asked about Indigenous Essential Services, that those communities would not be affected by any changes to tariff increases? Does that mean you are happy that your government subsidises the cost of providing human rights - power and water and sewerage - in those communities to the tune of $60m a year but does not apply that principle to the rest of the Territory? Could you explain why?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. The member for Nelson asked me a question about the Indigenous Essential Services CSOs. The question was would they change and my answer was no, the CSOs would not change and are not changing. The tariffs are still increasing and will affect Indigenous remote residents ...

Mr WOOD: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I could say it is misleading, but it is not accidental. The quote is:
    Those communities will not be affected by any increases in tariffs.

That is what you said at the last Assembly.

Mrs LAMBLEY: My recollection is somewhat different because I knew the CSOs would not be changing. Tariff increases affect everyone in the Northern Territory. They affect not only people in remote areas but pensioners and concession card holders. All residents, businesses and commercial enterprises will be affected by the increases in tariffs.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016