Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2015-08-25

Can you please outline what role the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement will have in creating a prosperous Territory economy, and whether there are any threats to the international investment that would flow from this agreement?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for her question. Like her, I support foreign investment and jobs in the Northern Territory. In June this year we saw a signature to the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, which would secure better market access for Northern Territory products and services to be provided and exchanged with our second-largest trading partner, and a primary market for the export of minerals.

The agreement provides an opportunity for two-way investment, including the exports of goods and an increased level of Chinese investment in the Northern Territory.

What amazes me is how low people will go, and the levels that Labor and the unions will reach, to strike a campaign of fear, loathing and xenophobic behaviour towards Chinese people within the Northern Territory, Australia and around the world.

The campaign has been waged by Labor and the unions against Chinese nationals and investors, waged through letterboxes, electronic media and at public rallies, such as last Sunday in Darwin where I understand the member for Karama was, along with other Labor members ...

Ms Lawrie: Proudly!

Mr GILES: The member for Karama says she proudly presented herself at a rally to fight against working with Chinese investment and Chinese jobs.

Ms Fyles: How many jobs have gone under your watch? It was 1100 in Nhulunbuy.

Mr GILES: That was an Australian company.

The Chinese have been part of the social fabric of the Northern Territory for over 150 years. There are some 4800 Territorians with Chinese ancestry who would be disgusted with the way Labor is treating Chinese nationals, the Chinese government, Chinese investment and local Chinese people in the Northern Territory, in response to the FTA.

Where will Labor and the unions stop? Will they start attacking the Koreans for the Korean gas interests around the Northern Territory? Will they attack the Italians for Eni, a state-owned enterprise which owns the gas that powers Parliament House and the top half of the Northern Territory? Will they attack the Malaysians because they have an interest in the Alice Springs casino, or the New Zealanders because of their interests in the Darwin casino? Where will the list end?

It is appalling that Labor and the unions attack the Chinese. They are fantastic investors, our second-largest trading partner in the Northern Territory ...

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016