Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-10-23

You said you would call for expressions of interest in applications for the appointment of an independent chair of the EPA. Yesterday you made a promise of being open and transparent. Could you say for how long the expression of interest period ran, how many people sent in an expression of interest; and who assessed and recommended the final candidate for the job?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson. I am on the record and acknowledge there was a consideration of who could best fill that position. It was the view of many there was an appropriate candidate. I accept there was not the process you are referring to but, in this case ...

Mr Henderson: A CLP crony got the job.

Mr MILLS: ... these assertions from those who see everything through a political prism, thinking these are all politically-motivated decisions, at the end of the day the fifth point is accountability. If this does not work, if it does not produce results, we will be accountable. I have made a decision and I accept the responsibility for that decision. Judge us by the results.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016