Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FYLES - 2012-11-01

You have axed the independent reporting and monitoring committee as an oversight to child protection in the Northern Territory. How is this cost saving measure in child protection protecting Territory children? How is the removal of scrutiny being open and accountable as a government as you promised?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nightcliff for the question. It is a question better answered by my deputy.

Mrs LAMBLEY: (Children and Families): Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nightcliff for her question. The dismissal of the Child Protection External Monitoring and Reporting Committee was not about saving money. I made the decision, if we were fortunate enough to win government, that the committee was ineffective. It was a toothless tiger, as I described in parliament last night. It was never given the full functions to perform a monitoring role by the former government.

It was put in place as a faade, as a superficial means by which the previous government could say, ‘Look over here. We have an external monitoring and reporting committee reviewing our business’ when, in fact, it never did that. It did not have the implements or tools to do it. The former government did not supply it with the means to do it. It never had the intention of providing that committee with the ability to be an independent monitor.

When it comes to cost saving, that was not part of the equation. There have probably been some minor costs involved in peddling that committee around the countryside and introducing those distinguished people to people throughout the Northern Territory who have a stake in child protection. However, the cost savings of that committee were very small, almost insignificant.

Our commitment to child protection is about putting a proper monitor in place, someone who is truly independent. We are considering the options in the board of inquiry report from two years ago. We are looking at, perhaps, installing the Children’s Commissioner into that role once again, or perhaps installing the new Ombudsman into that role.

We believe we, as a government, need to be monitored. We need to be held accountable for the decisions we make around child protection. We are hiding nothing. Ten weeks into government we are open and transparent.

I offered last night, and will present a statement to parliament outlining how we intend to implement the recommendations of the board of inquiry report. We have nothing to hide. I thank the member for Nightcliff for her question.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016