Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VOWLES - 2014-03-25

Do you stand by your comments on Territory FM on 10 March, in relation to the bullying and swearing fiasco, stating, ‘Matt Conlan did not say that?’ If you stand by this statement, how do you explain this e-mail from the member for Greatorex sent to every member of your parliamentary wing dated 18 February apologising for the swearing you say never happened?

I seek leave to table the document.

Leave granted.

Mr VOWLES: Why can you not be honest with Territorians on this matter? When and how will you discipline the member for Greatorex?

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, please pause.

Member for Johnston, I will allow the question at this point in time. It is more a matter for the party, not public affairs, but I will allow it.


Madam Speaker, does Mr Treasurer have any money to give the Minister for Infrastructure, so he can help the member for Johnston build a bridge and get over his problems? We are talking about many weeks ago. It is an internal party matter, we deal with our staff, we have a plan and are moving forward.

We have just heard a good answer from the Minister for Health about what we are doing in Palmerston. We listen to every member on this side: as ministers and what they are doing in their portfolios; and as local members and what they want in their electorates. We are trying to drive reform.

Member for Johnston, Rapid Creek is in your electorate. You have tidal surges and problems with houses being inundated with water. We are working with the Minister for Lands, Planning and the Environment and the Minister for Infrastructure on ways to fix this. We are trying to establish future plans through TIO to ensure we have solutions for people in your electorate, in Rapid Creek. However, you come into this Chamber and do not mention one thing about your electorate, you do not put forward plans and ideas …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. The question was specific around the unanimous motion of this parliament for the Chief Minister to discipline the member for Greatorex and how he has disciplined him.

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order and not what the question was about.

Mr GILES: The question is about what Labor is doing in this Chamber to be a viable opposition in the Northern Territory, in government, to ensure we develop the Northern Territory.

Have we had any questions today from your side of the Chamber about developing the Northern Territory? I say to constituents in Johnston: this is the quality of your representative in this Chamber. People who live anywhere in the electorate of Johnston must be highly disappointed their local member is not standing up for development in the area, for the protection and security of the mums and dads …

Ms MANISON: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. The question was in regard to the discipline of the member for Greatorex. The Chief Minister is not addressing the question.

Madam SPEAKER: The Chief Minister has three minutes to answer the question as he sees fit.

Mr GILES: I was just reminded by the Deputy Chief Minister about the discipline of those opposite. The discipline to come here and fight as a viable opposition, to ensure government is working towards developing the Northern Territory and northern Australia that we have jobs for the Territory’s future. They are the plans and policies we have across the Northern Territory. We are driving reform and it may not look good to see members fighting for their electorate, but at least people on this side of the Chamber have a fight in them. People on the other side of the Chamber do not have that fight.

The member for Nhulunbuy sits here carping and whining, but not providing any positive solutions for Nhulunbuy. We do not have anybody …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I ask the Chief Minister to withdraw ‘carping and whining’.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Nhulunbuy, do you find the comments offensive?

Ms WALKER: Madam Speaker, I find it offensive, I have been listening to it for months. It is also untrue.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, please withdraw the comments.

Mr GILES: I withdraw.

It would be good if the local members on the other side of the Chamber fought for their electorates and got some policies together, because at the moment they do not have one policy. The Labor Party is bereft of policy in the Northern Territory. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are not standing up for your own constituents.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016