Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2015-08-27

The Labor Party members and their union colleagues have launched an attack on Chinese businesses and workers, telling Territorians that Chinese workers will flood the Territory and take away local jobs from local families and their kids.

Last night and today they denied the campaign against Chinese businesses and workers as causing fear and loathing towards Chinese. Can the minister set the Labor Party members straight on this issue?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. Common sense will tell you Labor’s claims that this will not cause fear and loathing towards Chinese businesses and workers does not pass the pub test.

What is not a secret is what Labor and the unions are telling Territory families. The CFMEU, with full support of the Labor opposition, is conducting a campaign telling Territory families that the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement will result in the Territory and Australia being inundated with cheap Chinese labour.

When we talk about the impact that will have – here is a picture of the unions protesting against Chinese businesses and people. If you were a Chinese tourist …

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, put it down.

Mr STYLES: … what would that do? I will read from another post, very similar to one on the member for Karama’s social media page, which says, ‘We are union and we are proud. A crowd at the Esplanade today to stop Abbott giving away Australian jobs in the China Free Trade Agreement. Fighting for our kids’ future is a worthy cause.’

The member for Karama, surrounded by angry unionists and their flags, proudly sent out a rallying call on Facebook to Territorians, saying she is fighting for their kids’ future against Chinese workers and the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

This campaign is designed to drive a wedge between Territory families and Chinese businesses and workers. This is despite the Labor and union anti-Chinese campaign against the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement not being supported by fact.

Anyone who does not believe fear and loathing will be caused when you tell Australian families that their jobs and their kids’ futures are at risk because Chinese businesses will use Chinese workers is fooling themselves. They deny the facts. The simplest test is to reverse the situation. What would an Australian business trying to get off the ground overseas and unable to get any labour do?

Who will they pick on next? Are the Irish backpackers working as lollipop ladies taking Australian jobs? Will you protest against Irish people? This is a farce and the members opposite should be ashamed of themselves, but they are not. They sit over there, holier than thou, yet we have pictures of them at a rally, scaremongering with Australian families. It is simple. I will quote from the free trade agreement:
    Chinese companies making significant investments in Australia (more than $150 million in specific types of infrastructure development projects) will have increased access to skilled overseas workers when suitable local workers cannot be found.

Read the document.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016