Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 2015-02-18

On 4 December 2012, in parliament you said:

Work is a fundamental cornerstone of many people’s lives and all Territorians should be assured that when they go to work they will be protected by the law.
Yesterday, in and out of parliament, we raised serious allegations that your former Chief Executive of the Department of Children and Families, Jodeen Carney, physically assaulted an employee in front of that employee’s children. You and the Chief Minister did not deny this alleged assault occurring. You responded that you refer incidents to the Commissioner for Public Employment. Was this alleged incident brought to your attention at any point in time, and have you taken any action in regard to it?


Madam Speaker, once again the Labor Party cannot but get into the gutter on this issue. I will articulate some general principles. If I am made aware of an issue, I refer the matter. On a number of occasions I have referred matters of interest to the Commissioner for Public Employment. You quoted me correctly. The law must apply, which means any issue raised – and I speak generally – is one to which the law must apply. In the absence of an official complaint and any information which substantiates the rumours you are peddling, the law will apply. That is consistent with what I said yesterday at every step along the way. I encourage you to either get out of the gutter or provide evidence. If you have knowledge of something happening, bring it to my attention or to the Commissioner for Public Employment …

Ms Fyles: We have. What about you? Answer the question.

Mr ELFERINK: I have answered the question; you have not been listening

Bring it to the attention of the Commissioner for Public Employment because, as far as I am aware, not one member of this Chamber has brought any substantive evidence to the Commissioner for Public Employment, so all we have is innuendo.

Ms Lawrie: Did you refer this incident?

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr ELFERINK: I will not climb into the gutter with the members opposite to peddle innuendo. I am satisfied that at every stage, all probity and process has been followed.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, please pause. I remind honourable members of the opposition that you are on warnings. This is your last chance.

Mr ELFERINK: They have their answer.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016