Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-12-05

Yesterday, you cancelled the proposed swimming pool for the Litchfield community. Did you have any discussions with any of the CLP local members - the members for Goyder and Daly - about the future of the pool, the design of the pool, and the site for the pool, or was this decision made purely out of spite because you hated the agreement I had with the previous Chief Minister? Was that more important than the welfare of rural Territorians?


Madam Speaker, there is a stack of questions in that one question. The best way to go about this is to provide the member for Nelson with a briefing, or maybe I can put it together in the form of a letter and articulate it to you. It is very difficult to explain something in this parliament at the moment with all the interjections we continue to be bombarded with. There is nothing sadder than a man who has spent 11 years in parliament and achieved very little. You had all the power in the world to make this happen, and I rest my case ...

Mr WOOD: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I asked did he discuss the issue with you and the member for Daly, and all I am getting is a reflection of the spite and hatred that side is making the decisions on for this swimming pool. He has said it, and that is what it is about. I want to know, did he ask you and the member for Daly about this decision before it was made?

Madam SPEAKER: Thank you. Minister, have you finished, or do you wish to continue?

Mr CONLAN: No, I have finished my answer. We will provide the member with a briefing.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016