Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 2015-02-17

Did the Chief Executive of the Department of Children and Families, Jodeen Carney, physically assault a staff member in front of that staff member’s children? When did you first hear of this serious allegation and what action did you take?


Madam Speaker, I thank the honourable member for his question and I remind him of the prayer we said when we came into the House about showing wisdom and judgment.

As the Minister for Children and Families, and for Public Employment, over the last few years I have had cause to refer a number of matters to the Commissioner for Public Employment. Those matters have all been considered or dealt with by the Commissioner, and I have not received notification of any official complaint or substantiation arising from those matters.

I have made it abundantly clear to the media and to Territorians that I will not refer to any matter which comes to my attention in relation to a public servant and discuss it in this House. Public servants’ performance, or otherwise, is not a matter for public debate when there is no official complaint or substantiation of any form forthcoming. I will not enter into it as a matter of principle.

I place on the record my gratitude to Ms Carney for her service to the people, especially the children, of the Northern Territory. When she took over in that role a lot of work was needed and has been done. I am satisfied she has done a Trojan’s work improving the department and I am happy to work with her.

It is obvious the members opposite are hiding behind assertions which have been floating around for some time. I put to the press pack yesterday that if there was any evidence, why has nobody in the press pack published it? It is because there is no evidence.

As a government we allow evidence to guide us and demonstrate whether an individual has acted appropriately or not. We on this side of the House will not climb into the gutter, as the members opposite are trying to do.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016