Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2013-10-08

Minister, I congratulate you on your appointment to this important portfolio. Can you outline to the House what this portfolio covers and what plans you have? Also, can you outline to the House what the Giles government is doing for remote NT community infrastructure?


Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague, the member for Arnhem, for her question. First, I thank the Chief Minister for his confidence in me on my appointment to his Cabinet as the Minister for Community Services, Statehood, Women’s Policy, and Parks and Wildlife. I also wish to thank my colleagues and supporters for their messages of congratulations. I am deeply honoured to have been appointed and look forward to working hard for all Territorians.

I am lucky to have portfolios where I have significant personal interest and experience, having been an advocate in those areas throughout my career. I am excited about making a real difference in the areas of women’s and men’s policy, and working with the fantastic Parks and Wildlife staff to ensure the Territory’s best assets are kept that way and that our parks are jointly managed with my people. However, today I want to talk about my portfolio of Community Services.

Community Services covers the Department of Community Services and the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority. I am proud to be appointed as the first minister for the newly created Department of Community Services. The department has a number of key service delivery and policy areas …

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 225. Could the minister please table the document she is reading from? Dave taught me that one, Bess.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Barkly, it is not a point of order and you are on a warning. I will not tolerate the misuse of standing orders and the frivolous nature of some points of order.

Mrs PRICE: Madam Speaker, they are my personal notes.

Community Services covers the Department of Community Services and the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority. The department has a number of key service delivery and policy areas, including the Remote Infrastructure Program Office which covers the Indigenous Essential Service Branch. This branch coordinates funding, planning and policy advice for the delivery of power, water and sewerage services to 72 identified remote Indigenous communities, such as construction of a new gas power station in Wadeye.

The Infrastructure Branch looks after over 430 projects across the Northern Territory at a value of $478m. Last year this branch managed upgrades to water supplies at Wurrumiyanga, Wadeye, Galiwinku, Angurugu and Umbakumba at a cost of $29m. This branch is also currently coordinating two infrastructure projects, being a three-year $20m asbestos removal program from community buildings as well as a $10.6m Ilpeye Ilpeye town camp subdivision.

Land Tenure Branch – for the NT to take hold of economic development and for my people to get real local jobs, we need to use the land which exists within the communities to build and develop our communities. The branch secures land tenure for all NT government infrastructure across the Northern Territory so services critical for those communities can be provided ...

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016