Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2015-09-16

The Northern Territory Branch of the Labor Party and its union members were out doorknocking last weekend, spreading their anti-China free trade agreement sentiment.

Ms Lawrie: Rubbish!

Mr BARRETT: Can we get through a question for five seconds without an interjection? Seriously.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Blain, please continue.

Mr BARRETT: I understand they were at it again this morning at the launch of your five-year Asian Engagement, Trade and Investment Strategic Plan. What damage does this anti-China message send to our international trading partners?


Madam Speaker, we know that those opposite hate good news, but there are two parts to this story. The first is good news. The problem we had with breakfast this morning was we could only get 400 people in because the place was booked out. When you are trying to find space to run an event – everybody wants to be in the Northern Territory, which is a great problem to have.

Ms Fyles interjecting.

Mr STYLES: Madam Speaker, I struggle with the poor old member for Nightcliff who has an anger management problem.

This morning was sold out. The most we could get in was 400 people from business and stakeholder groups for the release of the Giles government’s blueprint for Asian Engagement, Trade and Investment. The feedback we received from those people was fantastic.

They were there because they support what the government is doing to create a prosperous economy and jobs for Territorians. That has been missed by those opposite.

The draft Asian Engagement, Trade and Investment Strategic Plan emphasises the importance of relationships that underpin and support the further development of international trade and investment linkages. This is especially the case for Asia.

The Giles Country Liberal government is strongly committed to this region, as we are the gateway to Asia and Australia. Our goal is to be uppermost in the minds of decision-makers, where business decisions about partners and suppliers are being made. We do not want our trading partners being driven by the NT Labor Party’s anti-China FTA and anti-Asian campaigns.

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement will play a critical role in delivering Territory prosperity. The Territory Labor Party’s opposition to the free trade agreement with China is the single biggest threat to the Territory’s trade and business community.

To those who are listening and watching, if you do not believe that, in this photo is the member for Karama with the unions, campaigning against the free trade agreement. Here is one from this morning from the unions, which says, Build a Better Future.

‘Drive business away’ is what I expect from those opposite because they do not have a clue how to run the economy. ‘Build a better future – stop the free trade agreement. The China deal will kill jobs in the Territory.’

I quote the former Chief Minister, Paul Henderson, in a media release on 22 June 2010:
    That makes our relationship critical to helping to continue to grow and shape the Territory’s economy now and into the future.

He is talking about China. Today the Leader of the Opposition was out the front of this building at a humanitarian gathering and said, ‘We have a proud record of welcoming people’, except if you are Chinese or Asian.

Mr Vowles: That is deeply offensive, seriously. You are an idiot.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Johnston, withdraw that.

Mr Vowles: I withdraw.

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Standing Order 62. The minister should withdraw. That is not what I said out the front of Parliament House, he is misquoting me.

Madam SPEAKER: I was not out the front of Parliament House, but you should withdraw that comment, minister.

Mr STYLES: I am sure he can make a personal explanation. It is all on tape.

Madam SPEAKER: No, withdraw the comment.

Mr STYLES: I withdraw.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016