Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-11-28

I was going to ask a question of the Chief Minister but the previous answer from the Treasurer concerned me. Treasurer, am I right in saying you will not help subsidise independent schools as you will for government schools, and if that is the case, are you going to refuse children who are going to private schools - independent schools - the right to use the free public bus service?


I thank the member for Nelson for his question. The government’s mini-budget review will provide $2.3m in 2012-13 and $4.7m ongoing to offset the increased costs of electricity, water and sewerage tariffs in government schools. Currently, across all NT government schools, the essential services grant budget is adequate to cover utility services at the pre-increased tariff rate …

Mr WOOD: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance. The question is, was I hearing things when the minister said they will not give subsidies to schools that are independent, and does that mean that the children who go to private schools who use the public bus service will not be allowed to use the public bus service anymore?

Mrs LAMBLEY: I do not quite see the correlation between the tariff increases and bus fares. We will not be subsidising non-government schools for these tariff increases. They are privately operated and run, and like any private business these tariffs will have to be absorbed into the business plans and business mechanisms currently in place. This is a very difficult decision from this government. We know it is going to be painful. We have discussed it at length already in this sittings of parliament. We do not have …

Members interjecting

Mr Henderson: They are not rich schools.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Wanguri. Continue, minister.

Mrs LAMBLEY: … and as regards increases to bus fares, the member for Nelson will have to wait until the mini-budget next week for any explanation of any increase in any revenue because that will be contained in the budget.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016