Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STYLES - 2012-11-28

Could you please advice the House of the ongoing impact of the Department of Health budget due to the lack of action of the former Labor government?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Sanderson for his question. It is interesting that yesterday I announced some of the largest health reforms ever in the Northern Territory’s history yet there is not one question from the opposition on those reforms. So I thank the member for Sanderson for the question.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare recently announced figures in relation to the level of funding the Northern Territory receives from the Australian government in relation to health. It is quite interesting because around the country the Commonwealth funds state and territory governments for health services and they average around 62% of health budgets. We in the Northern Territory receive 43% of our budget from the Commonwealth government. If we were brought up to the national average, that difference would equate to something like $600m more going into our health budget.
Clearly, the Northern Territory has the sickest people in the nation by a factor of two. We have the most people living in the remotest areas, the most poverty - all of those dreadful statistics - yet we are funded much lower than the national average, something like $600m a year. And what do we hear from the former Labor government on this matter of funding? Absolutely nothing. I did not hear a peep in the entire term from the former Labor government about the disgusting level of Commonwealth funding we receive in the Northern Territory. It is not hard to understand why ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! He is misleading parliament. I made many speeches about Tony Abbott slashing health funding in the Northern Territory.

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I ask the Leader of the Opposition to withdraw the allegation or proceed by way of substantive motion. She said the Health minister was misleading parliament. That is unparliamentary and she should withdraw it.

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, withdraw misleading.

Ms LAWRIE: I withdraw. He is making it up again.

Mr TOLLNER: The fact is the former Territory government never stood up for Territorians. It never stood up for Territorians in relation to the carbon tax or when McArthur River Mine was under threat. You never stood up for Territorians with the live cattle export dispute. You are simply puppets for federal Labor. You are a shame and you are disgusting.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, sit down!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016