Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr CONLAN - 2015-08-26

The minister has been doing a fabulous job promoting the Northern Territory. One of the successes from your recent overseas trip to China was an expression of interest from the owner of one of the world’s largest eco-safari parks. This individual wants to design and build a multimillion-dollar Territory zone in one of their new safari parks in China. That sounds very exciting and I was wondering if you can elaborate on that for us in the House today.


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Greatorex for his question. I do not know whether the opposition wants to hear good news, but more good news is coming from government. This is what happens when you travel and engage people. That is what Asian Engagement and Trade is all about. It is sad you did not take a leaf out of the previous CLP government’s book, when Shane Stone and Marshall Perron sent ministers overseas all the time.

This is one of a number of successes that have come out of a trip we took to Singapore, Malaysia, China, Macau and Hong Kong. I took with me the message that this Country Liberal government is open for business and the Territory is looking for foreign investment for joint ventures and people who want to come here and create economic growth.

I met with about 200 potential investors in six stops over six days. There is a lot to follow up and we have undertaken a great deal since our return.

Whilst in China we met with a gentleman by the name of Mr Su Zhigang, who is head of the Chime Long Group in China. He is one of the wealthiest people in China, and at the end of our meeting he offered us a Territory zone built in one of his new safari parks in China at his expense, showing what the Territory has to offer. He is very impressed; he has been to the Territory and thinks it is a world-class destination. The response we got from him was fantastic.

Millions of tourists visit his facilities in China. His safari park gets about 80 000 people a day through the gates. It would carry distinctive flora and fauna from the Territory, along with an exhibition education centre that showcases the Northern Territory’s natural environment along with its culture.

From the park we would be able to promote visitation to the Northern Territory. It is an exciting proposition for the tourism market, which is expected to explode. There will be 120 million outbound tourists this year from China alone, let alone Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. In four or five years’ time, there will be 250 million outbound tourists each year. That is what we want to tap into, to create jobs and economic growth in the Northern Territory. Sadly, the only thing that will prevent that is the Labor Party talking about free trade deals because they are concerned.

The member for Karama was there with her union mates saying, ‘Keep the Chinese out’. They will not come here if you have that attitude.

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, I asked that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016