Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-11-27

What areas of expenditure should families cut back on to find an extra $2000 a year for their power and water bills which you made the decision to increase? You are likely to play the blame game, but the reality is you have the choice, you made the decision, and you are ignoring Territorians who are asking for increments. You like to blame everyone else but you are the Chief Minister and you make the decision, with your Treasurer, on the tariffs of power and water, no one else. Labor was following the CPI. We changed the tariffs in 2009. On one hand you say we did not do anything, ignoring the 2009 changes. On the other hand, you like to blame us for everything. How do you advise Territorians to save $2000 a year to pay for the hikes you decided to hurt them with?


Madam Speaker, I thank the Leader of the Opposition for her question. The first thing is recognising this is in the long-term interests of Territorians, and they are not being served well by the allegations and mischief you are playing with. You will possibly get some short-term political gain from this but, in the long term Territorians will see this for what it is.

This is a necessary, difficult decision and one we have not taken lightly. It is, in fact, as revealed, to a similar but lesser degree than the increases you were prepared to pass on without any accountability, recognition, or being truthful with the Territory community. It happened behind the scenes and, bang, it would pop out after the Territory election. Be that as it may, we have a problem and it requires a fix.

Accept full responsibility for the necessary but difficult ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Again, relevance. The question was how he advises Territorians to find $2000 a year to pay for the power price hikes?

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, you have the call.

Mr MILLS: There were a number of aspects to the question. I am dealing with the one I am prepared to take responsibility for and make a difficult decision on, notwithstanding how difficult it is for Territory families. Make no mistake about this; it is not an easy situation but a situation we are required to face for the long-term interests of the Northern Territory.

In regard to the capacity for families to respond to this, it will be difficult in some cases because this is not the only cost borne by families, though you would like it to be because it serves your political interests. The greater cost Territorians are bearing and we are going to deal with ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance. What advice does he have ...

Madam SPEAKER: Please be seated. The Chief Minister is talking to the whole of your question. Chief Minister, you have the call.

Mr MILLS: It would be wrong to ignore the broader impost on Territory families with rents and mortgages as well. I can demonstrate that I understand this will be difficult for Territory families. One practical thing Territorians can do is assess their consumption of water and electricity. In the Northern Territory, we use way more water than any other jurisdiction. That is one thing I am sure Territorians will consider. We cannot shield this reality from Territorians, but we can adjust. Each of us, in our own way, will make that adjustment. That is one small measure.

There will be other measures outlined in the mini-budget because we will work with Territory families to face up to this reality and get through this.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016