Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HIGGINS - 2012-12-06

Can you provide the House with an update on the CLP’s election commitment to close Chambers and Finke Bays to commercial fishing? Are you aware of any alternative policies?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Daly for a very important question. As an election commitment for 2012, the then opposition, now government, announced it would close all of Chambers and Finke Bays as well as extend closures in Adams Bay and the northern part of Fog Bay to commercial barramundi fishing.

Under the Fisheries Act it is a key role of government to make decisions to ensure the sustainability of fish stocks and aquatic resources are appropriately shared amongst user groups. The barramundi fishery across the Territory is very healthy, with no sustainability concerns. Government’s announced commitment was, therefore, aimed at reallocating the barramundi resource to recreational anglers and fishing tour operators, and addressing outstanding social issues in the fishery.

On balance, I believe the best use of the barramundi resource in these areas is to set it aside for exclusive use of recreational anglers and fishing tour operators. In forming this view, I am conscious of the long-term vision to create a premier sports fishery in this region which will provide anglers with a unique wilderness fishing experience for large trophy-sized fish. I do not believe that ongoing commercial fishing using gill nets in this area is compatible with this vision. I therefore decided to close the areas as announced.

In making this decision, I have also recognised the impacts it might have on existing commercial fishing operations and fish supply. I believe there is scope to develop a new framework which can make commercial fishing more viable, both in efficiency and in providing necessary certainty and security to attract investment.

Government is committed to a sustainable production of seafood in the Territory as a key part of its three-hub economy. Other areas around the coast will remain open to commercial activities, thereby offering commercial fishers a continued opportunity to supply product to the community. There will be an adjustment to the closures by removal of up to six commercial licences and the development of new forward-looking management arrangements which will provide operators with certainty and security for the future.

These concepts were clearly beyond the former Labor government. Their inability to make tough political decisions and do the right thing is well-documented. A fine example of this is something the former minister alluded to yesterday. This was their plan to close Chambers and Finke Bays to commercial fishing.

This was called the five fingers of death because of the potential for conflict within the industry. This could be the name of a bad kung fu or horror movie, but this was Kon’s five fingers of death – an absolutely shameful way to approach the fishery, trying to appease everyone with no capacity to make tough decisions.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016