Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-10-30

As you know, the Ombudsman recommended that three blocks of land in the Herbert locality in the rural area that were subject to flooding, should be purchased by the government and the owners paid compensation.

The previous government said it would agree to all the recommendations of the Ombudsman. Will your government also agree to all the Ombudsman’s recommendations? When can the owners of the land see a final end to this long-running saga?


Thank you, member for Nelson. Yes, this is a long-running saga and a very concerning one. The Ombudsman’s report and the recommendations therein are equally valid and supported. I can report to you at this point that the negotiations are still in play. The developer is prepared to correct and to work in good faith to fix the problem. I can provide you with additional briefings on that afterwards.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016