Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VATSKALIS - 2012-10-31

We learnt that your government is not going to proceed with the Palmerston hospital. You will lose $70m from the Commonwealth, and you are not going to provide such an essential service to the people in Palmerston and the rural area. Why have you broken your promise to the people in Palmerston by cancelling the Palmerston hospital? Why have you changed your priorities from people to profit?


Madam Speaker, it is the opposite. We are turning our attention to people and making sure they are well served by a responsible government. I cannot believe you would ask this question. You were in the parliament yesterday when a similar question was asked and answered. If it had been heard by you, honourable member, you would not be asking the same question ...

Mr Vatskalis: Are you going to build the hospital?

Mr MILLS: Yes, of course, we are.

Mr Vatskalis: When?

Mr MILLS: It is nine weeks and how many days?

Mrs Lambley: Five.

Mr MILLS: We have found out in nine weeks and five days that which was concealed by the former government regarding the debt situation.

The quality of the design work is being properly assessed; we are weighing that up and considering it. Consider this also: there are concerns about the location. When the former government made a surprise announcement - surprised the Palmerston community, picked a location that was convenient for presentation purposes - you did not ensure it was the right location.

We are checking the design you have given us is an appropriate design; that the location is an appropriate location; and the services which will be provided there - if you will recall, it was quite embarrassing for the former Health minister not to be able to give a full account of what Palmerston and rural families would receive at that facility.

I should also make clear, being an accountable government - in opposition for 11 years, I presented petitions with 11 000 or thereabouts signatures - it might even be more - to the former government because of your appalling service to the people of the Palmerston and rural area in closing down a clinic, reducing its hours, and saying the 2008 commitment we made was a cruel farce. We have been consistent, and we will ensure we deliver on our commitment in a way that delivers now and into the long-term. It will be a real decision people can trust.

They never trusted the former government because, out of the blue, it put up some framework around a block of dirt simply for the purposes of putting your election posters on it. Such was your concern for the health of Palmerston and rural people, you only thought of it in political terms. You did not think of the design or the location, and we do not know about the money. We will get all of those things ticked off and deliver on our commitment.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016